My Little H will eat anything.
Unless it's supposed to be eaten and is served to him on a plate.
Rocks? Eaten them.
Sand? His digestive tract is well exfoliated.
Grass? Dirt? Small twigs? Money?
Check, check, check, and $0.37.
When my parents were watching the kids he ate the TIVO button off of our remote:
My parents were horrified. See, no one really believes me when I say Holden is a goat until they experience it for themselves.
At our local farmers market, he got a free stress ball shaped like a stalk of broccoli.
Ate it:
As for actual edible things, if it doesn't involve french fries or come from Starbucks, he's not touching it. Read More....
Stomach of iron!
As the parent of my own goat (named Sylvia) I believe you. I really do.
That broccoli stalk looks very similar to the fake grapes that Sylvia ate.
I feel your pain. Trust me!
My goat.
dude rocks.
wow. that's all i can say. wow.
Wow. That rubber and plastic, eww. Wow. Now, would he eat a stalk of real broccoli?
I think the Y chromosome brings a world of difference. Really.
But wow is he cute.
Using My Words
but what a cute little goat, man. erm, baaa?
Little A loves chalk.
And crayons.
And bath water.
And string.
And remotes.
And play-dough.
And did I mention crayons?
It's wrong to laugh. But still I do.
Having lived through it, I know your pain.
Good news is, the goat will out grow it. Mine did.
Oh dear.
I think I see trips to a&e in your future...
Oh dear.
Wow. Impressive. My Little Red (at age 15 months) toddled up to me with something in her mouth. I opened my hand and asked her to "spit it out for Mommy" can you imagine what she spit into my hand?
The biggest slug that ever graced the earth. That's what. 12 years later it still makes me shudder.
Wow. I hope he never feels the effects of that broccoli! LOL Too funny.
Okay, him eating coins freaks me out. My youngest's self-comfort technique is to rub things on his lips. So I've some experience with the diaper reveal of digested wax crayons. Red is the scariest.
Hey, at least he's eating broccoli. Think how much better off you are than the moms of children who only eat plastic cookies and plastic soda. Plastic broccoli is a step in the right direction. Seriously.
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