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There Are No Words



Blogger flutter said...

There's one....


Blogger Gwen said...

Those cheeks! Those cheeks!

Kisses, kisses, kisses!

Blogger CPA Mom said...

So cute!! Is that the hat I gave you??

Blogger S said...

Love the way the hat is sitting -- and the cheeks.

Blogger Venus said...

Totally agree with what flutter said.

Blogger Girlplustwo said...

i've got one:


Blogger Ms. Skywalker said...

No, there are not.

Just a little lurch in the heart, a small sigh, a sweet smile.

Sometimes not having words to say things is the most beautiful poem of all.

I am loving that sweet little man!

Blogger Sunshine said...

That is so CUTE!!

Blogger Brillig said...

Awwwwww, so darling!

Blogger ewe are here said...

well, mabe 1 or 2...

So cute!

Blogger PT-LawMom said...

None! What a doll!!!!

Blogger NotSoSage said...

Why is it that adorable children inspire an expression of the desire to consume them? I do, though. And, knowing that he's been marinated only makes it more likely.

Blogger Chicky Chicky Baby said...

Very cute!

Blogger JR's Thumbprints said...

Oh, but when those words come out, it'll be an endless stream!

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