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Can Part-Time Work, Well, Um...Work?
So I'm finally going to do it. I'm going to ask my law firm to let me work part time.

I've wanted to do this for two years and have kept justifying it away - we need the money; we're getting ready to move; I haven't been there long enough; it's not a full moon; etc.... What it really came down to was fear. Fear of having my colleagues look down on me as a "Mommy Track" lawyer. Fear of become dispensable and maybe losing my job. Fear of becoming a soccer mom. Who knows what it was, but I'm finally going to do it. Next week.

Or maybe in a couple of weeks.

Or next month?


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Hello, Blogger World!

For some reason I've had John Lennon lyrics in my head all morning. Annoying, but they did help me name my blog! (Sort of).

Well, I don't wanna be a soldier mama, I don't wanna die
Well, I don't wanna be a sailor mama, I don't wanna fly
Well, I don't wanna be a failure mama, I don't wanna cry
Well, I don't wanna be a soldier mama, I don't wanna die
Oh no, oh no, oh no, oh no

Well, I don't wanna be a rich man mama, I don't wanna cry
Well, I don't wanna be a poor man mama, I don't wanna fly
Well, I don't wanna be a lawyer mama, I don't wanna lie
Well, I don't wanna be a soldier mama, I don't wanna die
Oh no, oh no, oh no, oh no, hey!

Well, I'm a Lawyer Mama, but I can't say that I lie.

I started this blog to try document everything wonderful, amazing and horrible that happens with my children and my family. Hollis and Holden are only 15 months apart in age, but already I find that I can't remember exactly when Hollis started crawling! So, thanks for coming along for the ride. I hope you enjoy my family as much as I do.

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Lawyer Mama
Made by Andrea Micheloni