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It's a Good Thing They're So Darn CUTE!
Does anyone else out there want to kill Laurie Berkner? I swear Hollis made me listen to Victor Vito about 25 times in a row today. I mean, I'd rather listen to her music than some sappy lullaby or to Hollis's usual favorite - any bad 80's music we can find on the radio - but does she have to make the tunes so darn catchy? I will be wandering around internally singing about Victor and Freddie and their beans, rice, rutabaga, collard greens combo for the next week.

Someone kill me now.



Blogger Lawyer Mama said...

Aaaaaah! I'll see you & I'll raise you...

Susie's got a pig on her head, Susie's got a pig on her head...

Anonymous Anonymous said...

I actually like Dan Zanes better than Laurie Berkner - for some reason her voice just gets to me after a while! But yes, anything's better than the Wiggles right now -

Fruit salad, yummy yummy...

Blogger ExPatSW said...

I hummed "It's a Small World After All!" for YEARS! That and the Winnie the Pooh song.....shudders!

Blogger PunditMom said...

What ... we're done with the Wiggles? I'm SOOO behind the curve!

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