I have to give special thanks to Queen of the Mayhem. She implemented a full frontal assault on my funky mood and self doubts by nominating me for a Thinking Bloggers Award and for a Bloggers Choice Award. I have two measly votes for Hottest Mommy Blogger. One is from me and I think the other is from my mother in disguise. So if you are feeling altruistic, feel free to go over and bump up my point total. You can vote for as many blogs as you like in each category. I voted for everyone I know! Because it's been more than a month since my last Thinking Blogger Award, I'll nominate 5 more people some time this week.

On another, completely unrelated note, let me tell you about my oh-so-fun Saturday. The hubs is in the Navy Reserves. So one weekend a month, he goes off to play sailor and leaves me and the kids to fend for ourselves. (Well, he's actually never really set foot on a Navy vessel aside from tours, so he was really off playing geek/intelligence weenie for the weekend.) When I'm on my own with the kids, I frequently get together with L, a mom friend of mine, and her almost 2 year old. It is usually an unmitigated disaster, leaving me (and my poor friend) completely exhausted after trying to keep all 3 toddlers from killing themselves, each other, or random passers by. You would think I would have learned my lesson by now, but nooooo. L and I decided to take the kids bowling at Oceana's bowling alley on Saturday morning. On the way there, there was an accident on the interstate on the friggin high rise bridge. We were trapped on the bridge for 92 minutes while they cleared the accident. I know, because I timed it. The kids ran through my stash of Goldfish crackers in about 2.3 seconds. The other 91 minutes and 57.7 seconds were just thrilling. After we finally got off the bridge, I didn't want to waste the time I'd already invested and didn't go home.
The bowling was fine. Hollis didn't even have to take turns with anyone because Holden was only interested in eating and L's son, C., had already had his fill while they waited for us. L & C, however, had to leave after about 30 minutes because C was just done. I'm impressed that he lasted as long as he did. I stayed at the bowling alley with H&H for what felt like 5 hours after she left, but it was probably only about 15 minutes. Holden was a nightmare. He kept performing his patented Squirm, Twist, and Scream whenever I: (a) prevented him from eating fries off of the floor, or (b) prevented him from running into the other lanes. At one point during the STandS routine, he bashed the back of his head up against my lip and teeth and drew blood. At that point, I was seriously tempted to toss him javelin style down our lane. That isn't the worst part of it though. The worst was the judgment. The women in a lane 2 down from ours kept staring at us and shaking their heads and whispering to one another. I'd like to think they were just thanking their lucky stars their kids were past that stage, but it felt like judgment to this tired and frustrated Mama.
In all fairness to L and me, we all probably would have had a great time if I'd gotten there on time. I mean, after 2 hours trapped in a car, what kid wouldn't want to run amok? But I've given T permission to smack the crap out of me the next time I mention a desire to attempt an indoor outing like this on my own.
Finally, I leave you with this video that explains exactly why second kids tend to have thick skin. Ah, brotherly love.
Over here via the Queen. I've seen your comments a number of times and I've always meant to stop by.
ReplyDeleteSo glad I've had the excuse!
You've got my vote sweetie. The Queen is right. You are a hottie.
I am going to go vote!
ReplyDeleteGlad to hear you got the support you needed, what a great husband...
Glad you were heard and your husband was supportive...
ReplyDeleteSometimes we really need to be heard... and then we can take on anything... Glad your husband proved to be a true soulmate...
You're so lucky to have a supportvie hubby. My kids are seven months and 26 months. Hubby is never home and I get a lot of the same looks you were describing at the bowling alley- hang in there! They do eventually grow up-at least, I keep telling myself that.:)
ReplyDeleteYou are very blessed to have found T. I'm glad you are feeling a bit better...
ReplyDeleteI have no many of the same (mental) videos of my kids. Sibling love/hate...ah, memories.
ReplyDeleteI never take the kids out alone. I'm a wimp like that. Kuddos to you for doing it, even if you felt it didn't turn out well.
Ah, Sanctimommies. I'm so tired of the judging.
Ooh! Congrats on the nomination. I need to figure out how to register for that site.
ReplyDeleteCongratulations, you hot mommy blogger, you.
ReplyDeleteoh the joys of siblings! Coop is really good with his brother and sister but gets into moods where he'll just knock one of them over!
ReplyDeletekudos to you for taking them out, i don't think i'd be doing that!
the video is classic. it's EXACTLY my 2 daughters.
ReplyDeleteI'm dying to know what your plan is? I'm in desperate need myself...
LMAO watching the video! Look, D survived J, R survived S, Sc survived R&S, AND K survived R...we grow them hardy in our family! H2 will one day be bigger than H1 (mark my words!) and will turn around and smack the ever lovin' out of him. And, we will all sit around saying 'we told you so, H2'.
ReplyDeleteBreathe, just keep on breathing.
Hey thanks for the comments over at my place. I look forward to reading up on yours - funny to finally meet a fellow blogger who knows where I'm coming from! Literally!