
Missing Her

I have a post about my grandmother with some very personal photos up on Lawyer Mama Dabbles. No, it's not that kind of "personal." Get your mind out of the gutter. (I'm talking to you, Jenny!) I don't post porn on the internet. (Although I bet my ad revenue would dramatically increase if I did. Hmmm....)

Missing Her

Also, the D.C. Metro Moms are discussing education today, all day. I have a rant about public schools that should be up as the introductory post by Wednesday morning. Go check it out!

Joanne, aka Pundit Mom, will be on Blog Talk Radio for Kristin's Motherhood Uncensored podcast to talk about how moms are getting involved in the elections. A few other MOMocrats may be calling in too and I know you won't want to miss it. (I may even call in myself. Ahem.)


  1. By why is it so late? Do you know what time 9:30 Eastern is in Texas? It's like 3am! (I could be wrong about that.)

    If I have insomnia though I'm totally calling in.

  2. If I'm up I will try to catch it! I'm on PST - so that's pretty late - but I have a lot to do tonight and want to support you guys!

  3. I hope you are finding the peace you need to get through this!

    Just checking up on you!

  4. Aw sweetie. I'm so sorry about your grandma. This month has been so awful. My dad, Angie's cousin ... the blogworld is full of loss this month.

  5. speaking of missing grandmas - I've really been missing Grams lately....I so wish she could have known Monkey...I know she would have dug her style. Grams had that uber-independent sassy vibe, ya know?

    it's so hard when they're gone.


I'm getting really sick of having to moderate comments because of the damn spammers. If you put spam in my comments I will zealously delete you. And then I will sick the CIA on you. (You don't know that I can't do it, do you?)