In Virginia and Maryland, today is election day. We head off to the polls to vote in the presidential primary and obediently paste on our little "I Voted" stickers. But man, it feels like I've been on some wort of whirlwind romance.
Up until last Wednesday, the day after Super Tuesday, our little section of the Mid-Atlantic was pretty much ignored. I'm used to being ignored during Presidential elections. During my voting years, I've lived in Nebraska and Virginia. Nebraska isn't exactly high on the electoral vote count and its citizens usually vote for Republican presidents. (One of the many reasons why I no longer live there.)
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I have a request for all of you readers who also pop over to MOMocrats from time to time. How about a little button linky love in your sidebar?
MOMocrats was originally founded with the goal of helping a Democrat take the White House. Yes, John Edwards was our candidate of choice, but we were prepared for the possibility that he might not be the Democratic nominee. The MOMocrats still alive and kicking and talking about the Democratic primary and the presidential election. We want the politicians to earn our votes and we hope we'll help keep everyone honest!
The code to post the button is:
{a href=""}{img src="" /}{/a}
Only replace all the { and } with <>. If you can't figure it out, email me and I'll send you the code. (My email is in my profile.)
I put it up on both sites. Scary I managed to figure that out. Hope you are doing well.