
D.C. Moms Gone Wild

Updated to add: KC did indeed have her baby. Go see!

I can't thank you all enough for your wonderfully supportive comments, emails, and the great conversations about my blog post yesterday. It helps so much to know I'm not alone and that what I'm going through is so common.

I began to regret posting on my way to D.C. because I came a little late to the realization that everyone would probably read it before they came to the D.C. Metro Moms party. But I was so touched by the wonderful things you said to me, Nancy, Joanne, Amie, and Julie. I'm now seriously regretting living three hours away from D.C.

Now on to the fun topic!

I had the pleasure of attending the D.C. Metro Moms Bloglaunch party last night at Le Chat Noir in D.C. It was hosted by Graco and Yahoo and damn, do they know how to throw a party.

It was a lot of fun. I got to meet most of the ladies from D.C. Metro Moms that I hadn't met before, reconnect with some old friends like Pundit Mom, Mamma Loves, Mom Ma'am Me, Gunfighter (our token guy), Devra of Parentopia, Kimberly from Petroville, and Sarah minus her Goon Squad. I also finally got to meet Julie from Suburban Ecomom, Andrea from Andrea's Recipes, the unforgettable Susan (aka WhyMommy) from Toddler Planet, and many other ladies that I so look forward to getting to know better.

Considering there was an open bar, the party was actually pretty tame. Although there was a wonderful moment between Susan and Gunfighter, who had never met before. We were all wearing name tags, but the restaurant was dark and they were difficult to read. Well, GF was checking out Susan's name tag and jokingly said, "Pardon me, I'm not trying to stare at your chest."

Susan then informed GF that he could stare away and she'd be perfectly happy to show them to anyone who wanted a peek since they would only be around for 2 more weeks. (Our lovely Susan has IBC, a rare and deadly form of breast cancer. She's doing great though and after surviving chemo, is scheduled for her double mastectomy in 2 weeks.)

GF was a bit flustered and I swear he was bright red, even though I couldn't really tell in the dark. Susan clued GF in on the situation and he looked awfully relieved. I think he thought Susan had gotten an early start at the bar up until that point. I've never seen anyone so relieved to hear it was just breast cancer before!

The Graco people at the party were wonderful. Lindsay has just launched Graco's new blog and I can tell that she'll fit in to the blogging world instantly. There was also an awfully cute Graco guy named Paull from Australia. I was tempted to just follow him around the entire evening so I could listen to his accent but I thought he might be a bit creeped out. He was nice enough to record a little video blog shout out for me though and I'll post it later if I can clean it up a bit. (It was dark and very LOUD.)

Paull was taking pictures and some video for Graco and they have a Flickr group set up for the photos. When Paull had the video camera out, I told Susan it was her chance to take the girls out for one last spin, but she didn't go for it. Clearly she wasn't drinking enough. I think if we'd gotten a few more drinks in her, Lindsay and Paull could have sold the video to Girls Gone Wild. Mommy Bloggers Gone Wild? Is there a market for post-partem boobs? Wait, I don't want to know. There are some real freaks out there.

The very nice Graco people also gave one of their brand spanking new Sweetpeace soothing centers to one of our mom bloggers who may or may not have just had her second baby. (Large hint there. If she'd post on her damn blog already, we'd know!) The Sweetpeace is the mac daddy of swings. Actually, it's hard to call it a swing. That's sort of like comparing a Yugo to a Porsche.

On to the pictures:

photos in Graco Get-Togethers More photos in Graco Get-Togethers

Ooh, I also must mention something that will make you green with envy. Pundit Mom invited me to stay with her and her family for the evening, so I got to meet Mr. Pundit Mom and Pundit Girl. Pundit Girl blew me away with her poise and intelligence and she read me some of her poems. She's so self possessed and affectionate and just plain nice. I wanted to take her home with me. Ms. and Mr. Pundit Mom are doing a great job.

I had so much fun with my fellow D.C. Metro Mom bloggers. I'm just a bit disappointed that there wasn't enough time to talk everyone for as long as I wanted to. I guess that means we'll just have to do it again soon.


  1. love the moment between susan and GF. love it!

    and if you're talking about the pregnant blogger i think you are, she DID post about the arrival of her baby boy.

  2. We loved having you -- you and the LawyerMama family are always welcome!

  3. Wow, thank you so much for sharing. I am so glad that everyone had a great evening... and yes, we need to do this more often - and get EVERYONE together.....

    Jill Asher

  4. Looks like a BLAST. Really fabulous. Especially hawt Graco guy (did I just say that out loud?)

    I'd be totally jealous except we're about to have our own turn here THIS SATURDAY. I won't even try to drive you crazy with our guest list. You've seen it. :)

    I'm so glad you took the trip and had a great time. Great photos!

  5. yeah--i think she did have the baby go look. .

    sounds like a ton of fun--I'm jealous!

    Running on empty

  6. How about if you do it next time I happen to be in DC?

  7. Hooray for the fun evening! I'm glad you are feeling better and I also laughed at the comment to GF when I read it.

  8. Soooo jealous.

    But glad you all had fun.

  9. Hey! I was sorry to miss it but you know those pesky hospital rules and all. I was thinking of you all as I limped around in my ugly hospital gown that evening, imagining what fun I was missing out on. And to think I could have had a drink!

    Dude. What's this business about a present?

  10. You're making me blush Steph :) he he - thanks for the shoutout (I hope to see the vid soon!).

    It's great to see that you enjoyed the night so much. I had a great time as an outsider so I can only imagine how enjoyable it was for all of you DC Metro Moms!


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