
'Tis the Season ... of Rampant Consumerism

But H&H look awfully cute with Santa. How could I resist?

It's Day 7 of my campaign to get Wil Wheaton to comment on my blog. Still no sign of him. I hope he's just coming down off the high of his appearance on NUMB3RS last night and will cave soon!


  1. Totally, completely adorable!

  2. So sweet...and that Santa looks like he could be the real thing!

  3. SO CUTE..could not resist!

    Maybe we need a Wil Wheaton Stalker Meme...you know if loads of us do the meme maybe he'll notice, and of course it would all lead back to you.

    I could start it for you. :)

    Using My Words

  4. to resist would be like, not human

  5. Very cute! And yes, that Santa is pretty darn convincing!

  6. Your kids are so cute. And yeah, that Santa is awesome - a real beard and everything.

    BTW, I've tagged your for a meme over at my blog - and it ties into your Wil campaign.

  7. WIL...for the LOVE OF GOD, BROTHER....so a sister some love already.

  8. Good luck getting Wil to comment, hopefully you'll get your wish!

  9. Julie! That is a FANTASTIC idea! Are you sure you haven't online stalked a celebrity in the past?

  10. Oh & yes, everyone. This is the best Santa EVAH! He's great with the kids and the beard & mustache are real. He has a great "ho, ho, ho" and Santa voice too.We saw him last year and we'll keep going back.

  11. Cute!

    I tried to post this a while back, but my internet was not cooperating:
    Wil Wheaten went to my high school. At least that was the rumor. He is a few years older than me, so I never saw him. Plus I heard that he was gone a lot for shootings. But, I did see Kevin Costner at my school when he came to pick up his daughter from gymnastics. I wouldn't mind stalking him either :)

  12. Dude! How cool.

    I've had Kevin Costner spottings as well. He likes to go to Omaha every year for the College World Series. I have an interesting story about KC that I heard from a friend once....

  13. It doesn't hurt that you found the real Santa for the picture. That guy rocks.

    Miss M, my wee little misanthrope likes to shout "I don't want to say hi to Santa. Santa is NOT my best friend." Oy.


I'm getting really sick of having to moderate comments because of the damn spammers. If you put spam in my comments I will zealously delete you. And then I will sick the CIA on you. (You don't know that I can't do it, do you?)