
Trick or Treat

My boys are ready for Halloween.

Big H, the biggest, baddest, meanest pirate! No? Well, I think he's at least the smiliest.

Buzz Light Year to the rescue! (aka the Pumpkin)

Who needs candy when you can eat the wrappers?

Here's what happens when you take a 2 year old(the Pumpkin) and a 3 year old (Hollis), both with only the vaguest notion of "trick or treat," out on Halloween:


  1. "No, really, come here kid. Take some candy. Wait. Where are you going? You didn't get your candy."


    Too cute.

  2. Yo-ho-ho! So cute.

  3. Way cute!!! LOL!

  4. Yar. Very smiley indeed. Yo ho ho.

  5. Your boys are just too cute. :) Beautiful photos as always....

  6. They are so STINKING cute!

    The Pumpkin and Junior Mayhem wore the same costume? Did he almost melt from "baking" in the pleather?

    I thought JM was a goner for a while....he bounced back like a champ! :)

    Glad to see you had a fun Halloween!

  7. Did I mention we caught JM telling people he wanted "more"....oh and punching an inflatable in someone's yard?

    I suppose it is just par for the course! :)

  8. Maybe he just wanted to waltz right in, sit on the couch, and watch some toob.

    Gawd, last night was fun, wasn't it?

  9. Sadly they learn greed very quickly. By age 4 they are pros.


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