
Street Theater: A Monday Montage

The curtain closes.


  1. It does my overdrama'd heart good to see drama outside of my own melodrama. Well, not mine. Just the one I'm treated to every day. ;)

    Great montage. :)

  2. oh the drama! the fun! the green shirt!

    what a cool kid.

  3. Great poses. :) Very cute!

    Jane, Pinks & Blues Girls

  4. Does anyone else remember the old Seinfeld bit where he talked about how it's so great that when you're a kid, if you're bored, you just LIE DOWN wherever you are!

  5. That is one good-looking thespian!

  6. I can tell....he's doing Hamlet. Or maybe Richard III.

    What a thespian!

  7. Cute! I hope the drama was staged and not the thing we call tantrum ...

  8. oh he's good. and i got a big smiley laugh this morning here, thank you.

  9. Seriously?

    Quit being so freakin' mean and just go ahead and give him the $150 so he can get those shoes with the wheels on the back.


    What kind of mom are you, anyway, scarring him for life at such a young age? And stop talking of ER visits and the fact that wheels on shoes are, well, going to be keeping some of your peers in business for a long time--he doesn't want to hear about it.

    Besides, it's really hard to hear when you have a colony of ants moving from the sidewalk and into your sound canal.


  10. Next time you need to get in on the act!

  11. Wow, interpretive dance! "The dying swan" is indeed glorious


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