I don't want to bash you over the head with inside jokes and lots of anecdotes. If I hadn't gone, I'd be super jealous and a bit annoyed. But some of you are demanding dirt!
So here's the recap. I may mention some names, but I know I can't possibly remember every one in one sitting. So if I leave you out, try not to feel hurt. I loved meeting everyone.
Thursday night/Friday morning I got in to the W at 1am. I kept checking to see if I had accidentally walked into a nightclub because the pounding music and mood lighting (as well as general party atmosphere) had me feeling like I was waaaaaay too old for this shit. I staggered to my room and immediately went down to the Whiskey bar on the off chance anyone was still there. There were just a bunch of people practically having sex on the couches, so I dragged myself to my room and passed out.
Since I missed the Thursday evening festivities, I had no idea who anyone was or how to find anyone I knew the next morning. I ended up sitting with the Indie bloggers during breakfast. They were hilarious and so sweet despite the fact that they were about to speak at the first session. Love them. Want to see them again.
It turns out that many bloggers I already adored were sitting at tables behind me or near me and the squealing commenced immediately after breakfast. Shortly after that, I was filling up on some schwag when I saw Jessica walking past. I immediately threw myself at her. Who could blame a girl for that? While chatting, one of my blog idols sidled up and more squealing began (at least on my part).
Bad girl that I am, I skipped the first session with the bad girls below to get some coffee and chat.
I seriously needed coffee. This guy saved my life.
Then there were some seminars. The only one I really enjoyed the first day, was Catherine's on the State of the Momosphere. I love a rhetorical debate and this didn't disappoint. Plus, Catherine? I'm completely in love with her. I would love to just sit down and talk to her. She had so many insightful things to say in every session she was in.
At lunch, I finally hooked up with my roommate, who was supposed to be on the same doomed United flight as me out of Norfolk. She also flew out of Newport news (United, you SUCK), but at 4:45am Friday. And she didn't get into Chicago until 9ish.
The cocktail party that night was great. I managed to hook up with a couple of people I hadn't seen yet, but I lost my roommate again!
I also made some new friends.
Oh, and Redneck Mommy? Is a total hottie. And she's intelligent, articulate, snarky, and just fun! I will be stalking her relentlessly now.
Dinner the first night:

Jen has this thing about having her picture up (can't say I blame her), so I made her into Bill Clinton for the photo. She makes a good Bill, don't you think?
I was worried going in to this conference. Not that I would be standing on the sidelines watching everything. Seriously. I call myself an introvert, but I have no problems walking right up to someone and saying hello. Despite my protestations last week that I need time to warm up to people, this weekend found me throwing myself into the arms of many bloggers I met. I love to meet new people, it's just more draining for me to constantly talk and put myself out there than it is for those extroverts out there. No, I was more worried that some of these bloggers wouldn't live up to the ideal I've created in my mind.
I shouldn't have worried. Pundit Mom was just as intelligent and warm as she is online. Jen is just as kind and smart as I thought. Debi is, well, exactly Debi. Except she's a little larger than life. I think it's the sheer force of personality of her hair that adds to the Debiness. Jessica is nice, funny, and smart. Kristin is a mom to everyone.
Oh, there was one thing. Mrs. Chicky would like everyone to know that she is not as nicey nice as you all think she is. She's a snarky bitch, just like the rest of us. Happy, Mrs. Chicky? I'm spreading the word.
I'll finish this up tomorrow. I don't normally do these "Here's What I Did Chronologically" posts, so I'm tired.
But really, I just want to torture Julie.
Thanks for the photos -- it's a bit overwhelming to see these faces of people I've only read!
ReplyDeleteOMG, I am soooooooooo jealous. You lucky lady!!! And those lucky ladies got to meet you. And get away from their kids! And drink wine! Oh, that is so my dream weekend. ;)
ReplyDeleteYay dirt! I was so hoping......
ReplyDeleteHad a great time with you! You rock!
ReplyDeleteMrs. Chicky is that nice. Tell her to shut up.
ReplyDeleteYou made quite the impression on my mom. And me. You're lovely and I'm so glad I got to meet you this weekend.
damn i give good Bill. (that was hilarious) and you are SO right, that Chicky, she's a bitch. geez. (love you Chicky)
ReplyDeleteterrific recap. fabulous time. LOVED getting to meet you and so happy you remembered the coffee dude.
Chicky...well, since I was her roommate, I have the inside scoop on her...she really is ... SWEET.
ReplyDeleteBut in a bitch way. Snicker.
It really was a blast and I'm so thrilled to have met you. Shoot me your email. I have some pics I can send ya.
Nice recap, woman. Loving that you pasted Bill on Jen's face. Somehow, it is so appropriate....
ReplyDeleteoozing jealousy over here...:)
ReplyDeleteBut so glad you had a good time!! Love seeing the pics and hearing all about it.
For some reading these posts will be a bit difficult because they wanted to be there - all I can say to those people is, commit now to making it next year. Save a little each week, you can get there - and if you have to put a few ads on your blog or make a few sponsored posts in order to get there, is anyone going to mind? No, of course not! :)
ReplyDeleteFor those like me who live in Australia and it would literally cost a couple of grand just for the flight to get there, so there's not much chance of going, I am really grateful for the recaps, and glad you all had such a great time. ;)
It's also really cool that so much of it ended up online, it's kind of like being there. ;)
I was a bit taken aback by the Bill thing - what a shock to see him at Blogher yet so funny! and I think he'd really love to have been there personally but may have found the lack of cigars overwhelming and I only say that as I don't see a cigar in these pics but who knows, maybe ya'all lit up the minute the cameras were put away! damn, that cigar stuff is still funny to me all these years later! - but I also completely understand where Jen is coming from on that, not wanting to put my pic out there either but our reasons may be very different.. ;)
that looks like really really good fun!
ReplyDeleteGreat dinner photo! And only a small portion of my bra is showing, unlike most of the other pictures of me.
ReplyDeleteI really enjoyed meeting you! And it was such an honor to sit so close to the Bill.
I loved meeting and spending time with you. You'r so nice to say such sweey things -- but are you sure you didn't confuse me and Mrs. Chicky on that bitchy thing? Mrs. Chicky -- I know you're sweet as pie! ;)
ReplyDeleteGreat photos, thank you for sharing! Very jealous, must think hard about going next year.
ReplyDeleteWell consider yourself successful, you bee-yatch! LOL
ReplyDeleteJust kidding! I loved it.
Like I said to Jen, I love you guys and I just want to hear about your fun, like I ask my friend about her vacation to Hawaii.
Your dinner table---BAH! now I know how to answer next time I get the question, "If you could have dinner with any celebrity who would you choose?"
Me, link to LawyerMama's blog photo of Super Cool Bloggers at Dinner photo.
Mrs. Chicky, you will NOT LOSE A NICE REP so get over it. You helped me with my dog problem therefore permanently in the NICE category. :)
What strikes me is how GORGEOUS and STYLISH everyone is.
This is why it is happy divine providence that my sister is moving here. (God Help Her)
It just wouldn't occur to me to buy new clothes, get my hair done, get manis and pedi, and take ROCKIN' COOL SCHWAG.
Hey LM, you have a tree at The Holidays?
Dudettes are 2 cool 4 school.
P.S. Jen makes a great Bill but I am jealous you know what is behind the Bill mask.
ReplyDeleteP.P.S. Anyway yes, I so would have gotten you (and anyone else who came along) in trouble with the law. I'm a magnet. What can I say.
ReplyDeleteSo great to meet you! Yes - and everyone really is that nice.
ReplyDeleteThat paste-in of Bill over Jen's face is hilarious. It was great to meet you.
ReplyDeleteYou are one of the people that I was hoping to have more time with and am so sorry that I didn't. It was wonderful seeing your beautiful face, though, and just knowing you were having a blast at the next table with other bloggy ladies.
ReplyDeleteI'm so jealous that you played hooky with those super-cool babes.
ReplyDeleteBut I'm glad you had such a great time meeting everybody!
Well, I'm finding it interesting. Looking forward to the next installment. :)
tell bill to get the hell out of the way so i can see jen!
ReplyDeletesounded amazing--thanks for sharing the story. it only made me weep a little. excuse me while i mop up my keyboard.
seriously--great post!
Okay, I keep hearing great things about the State of the Momosphere. Somebody, please, post a recap of that session!
ReplyDeleteSince I couldn't be there, this recap is the next best thing. Thanks for the pics!
ReplyDeleteI'll comment more later, but there were live bloggers blogging every session. Here's a short & sweet recap of the State of the Momosphere session:
The "why not do it, even if it's just a hobby" comment about ads was mine.
Here's another one:
I'm really hoping that HBM will post her thoughts about it as a panelist.
Love the pics and the stories, and trying very hard not to DIE of jealousy! Thanks for sharing it all!
ReplyDeleteTrying to remind myself that jealousy is not an admirable trait.
ReplyDeleteTrying very, very hard.
Too jealous to comment. But, sounds like it was a blast and a half. I hope we get a chance to meet next year!!
ReplyDeleteI can't believe I'm in that last picture, just when it all started to feel real IT ENDED.
Ahhhh! The dinner I missed because of my damn flight delay! Good to hear that it went well. Lovely ladies.
ReplyDeleteJen is one hot Bill. Oh yeah. ;)
My friend, you keep spreading those rumors that I'm a snarky bitch. Don't listen to all those people, ya hear? I am Snarky! I am a Bitch!
ReplyDeleteBut you? Are completely wonderful. Missing your face already.
Do you have any idea how expensive it would be for me to attend... from CANADA! It's like $1000 just to fly 30 minutes from Edmonton to Calgary. Sigh....
ReplyDeleteDid I misread, or did you write "Jen of Slacker-Moms-R-US"? Pretty sure that's my bud Krisite. :-)
KC - My bra is showing in like every picture of me taken at BlogHer.
ReplyDeletePink - Doh. Yes, and I know her name is Kristie. I know it. I changed it and hopefully she'll forgive me!
Lawyer Mama, I LOVED meeting you. It was one of the highlights of the trip and I can't wait to get to know and read more of you!! -stacy
Thanks for the scoop and the photos! So neat to match a name with a face :)
ReplyDeleteDammit! I saw you stand up to say something at ... the momsphere session, and I was like, Hey That's Lawyer Mama but I did not manage to meet you and now I am, as I was ten, very sad.
Sorry it's taken me so long to get here, but I wanted to tell you that it was really great meeting you!