Momish tagged me with the A, B, C Meme recently. Because I'm swamped at work, I don't want to disappear from the Blogosphere this week, and I never turn down an invitation to talk about myself, I'm going to pass it on. But I changed it a bit. I'm bad that way.
A - Attached or Single?
Good Lawyer Mama: Married
Bad Lawyer Mama: Not for long if he doesn't start putting the damn toilet seat down!
B - Best Friend?
Good LM: I have several people I would call "best friends." I tend to collect one or two from each stage of my life that I stay in touch with and love dearly.
Bad LM: Only 4 or 5 people have put up with me for longer than a year and I reward them all by calling them best friends.
C - Cake or Pie?
Good LM: Neither.
Bad LM: Both. With whipped cream. And ice cream. And maybe some chocolate sauce. Would you like some too?
D - Drink of Choice?
Good LM: Diet Cherry Vanilla Dr. Pepper or water
Bad LM: Vodka martini, a little dirty (like me), with 4 olives
E - Essential Items?
Good LM: My PDA, microwave, and OxiClean
Bad LM: Vodka martini, a little dirty, with 4 olives
F - Favorite Color?
Good LM: Red (Good girls can wear red.)
Bad LM: Red (Bad girls wear it better.)
G - Gummie Bears or Worms?
Good LM: Neither. High fructose corn syrup is the devil.*
Bad LM: Both. I like to take different colors and bite the heads and torsos off to create tricolored, mutant gummi animals.
H - Hometown?
Good LM: A mid-sized town in Louisiana.
Bad LM: You're killing me here. Would you like my SSN and my mother's maiden name too? I'm from Louisiana but Virginia is now my home.
I - Indulgence?
J - January or February?
Good LM: I'm not a big fan of either month, but I'll go with January since Holden was born then.
Bad LM: January because I can always find a vodka martini at a New Years party.
K - Kids?
Good LM: Two of the most adorable little boys that ever lived.
Bad LM: Yes. Can I sell them on EBay?
L - Life is incomplete without?
Good LM: My family
Bad LM: Vodka martini, a little dirty, with 4 olives
M - Marriage Date? July 8, 1995
N - Number of Siblings?
Good LM: 1 younger brother.
Bad LM: 1 younger brother. And maybe if I harass him enough, he'll actually write something on his blog.
O - Oranges or Apples?
Good LM: Oranges
Bad LM: I didn't just compare apples and oranges, did I?
P - Phobias/Fears? Large swarms of ants. 1 ant doesn't bother me. 2 ants make me look again. 3 ants and I get a bit nervous. A trail of ants and I'm completely skeeved out. I have lots of other fears too, but do we really want to get into that?
Q - Favorite Quote?
Good LM: "Be the change you want to see in the world." Mahatma Ghandi
Bad LM: "Better to reign in hell than to serve in heaven." John Milton
R - Reason to smile?
Good LM: My children
Bad LM: Vodka martini, a little dirty, with 4 olives
S - Seasons?
Good LM: Autumn, because the leaves are changing, the air is crisp and I can wear sweaters.
Bad LM: Autumn, because I have an excuse to buy chocolate (Halloween) and people give me things for my birthday.
T - Tags?
Good LM: Anyone who would like to share!
Bad LM: I tag Still Learning. Now you have to post something, B! (Insert evil laughter.)
U - Unknown Fact About Me?
Goodness, haven't I barfed enough personal details all over the Internet?
Good LM: I love the smell of chlorine.
Bad LM: I like vodka martinis, a little dirty, with 4 olives. And I'm not an alcoholic.
V - Vegetarian or oppressor of animals?
Good LM: I eat meat, but not veal.
Bad LM: I'm a founding member of People for the Eating of Tasty Animals.
W - Worst Habit?
Good LM: Procrastination.
Bad LM: I'm perfect, so bite me.
X - X-rays or ultrasounds?
Good LM: Ultrasounds because they make me think of pregnancy and birth.
Bad LM: This is an odd question. It's not like a choice between chocolate and vanilla. I'm going to refuse to answer.
Y - Your favorite food?
Good LM: Cucumbers
Bad LM: Gumbo. It's fattening, but heavenly.
Z - Zodiac? Libra
* Quote shamelessly stolen from a friend.
E - yes. But very, very dry.
ReplyDeleteHey! I got married on 6/25/95. Only 2 weeks before you...
ReplyDeleteYou're funny, Good LM.
You're funny, Bad LM.
i love the bad lawyer mom. in fact, i want to have a martini with her.
ReplyDeleteSha-ZAAM! Was this post as much fun to compose as it was to read?
ReplyDeleteJohn Milton said "Better to reign in heaven than to serve in hell?" Damn, I thought it came from the original Star Trek episode with Khan.
If you do start the "People for the Eating of Tasty Animals" I will be a card-carrying, dues paying, boozy member.
Trust me. If he leaves the seat down it's b/c he never put it up and sitting in drops of pee is ultimately worse than dealing with a lid in the up position. I just never know what I'm getting so I always look.
ReplyDeleteAnd no, the drops of pee are not from my son.
ReplyDeleteI love Bad Lawyer Mama. Can I have a vodka martini with a shot of Cosmo, and loads of olives on the side, preferably in muffaletta form?
High fructose corn syrup and red food coloring ARE the devil; this is why I always hide the Twizzlers from the kids.
I'm am 100% with Julie here. Long live Bad Lawyer Mama.
ReplyDeleteLove the good/bad LM!
ReplyDeleteWOW! Just when I thought I could not POSSIBLY love you more!
ReplyDeleteThis was awesome! HEEEE-LARIOUS!
PS: You and me BFF! (hee-hee)
I loved the Milton quote....and you CAN NOT sell kids on Ebay....don't ask me how I know! :)
ReplyDeleteLibra -- ME TOO! Oh, and I also belong to your version of PETA!
ReplyDeleteSomeone get this bad lawyer a dirty martini (with how many olives again?) stat!
ReplyDeleteNicely done, LM, nicely done!
HBM - Yes! It's not really a martini if it's wet.
ReplyDeleteSM - Too funny!
Jen - Martinis at BlogHer?
AD - Glad you liked it! You Star Trek freak, you!
DD - I'll keep that in mind....Ewwww.
Julie - Brilliant idea! What could be better than a muffelata on the side?
Butterflyfish - Why thank you!
OTJ - Thanks!
Queenie - Thank you! (We'll have to talk later about that Ebay thing....)
Mustafa - Zofleya hsoiyopkwgwu?
PM - I *knew* you were a fellow Libra!
Gwen - 4 olives! (But I can settle for more.) Thanks!
I just tagged you with the BlogRhet meme. Please don't let Bad LM strangle me.
ReplyDeleteMary - I just read it earlier today on BlogRhet & must admit that I'm actually excited about participating. So thanks! You must have gotten Good LM today.
ReplyDeleteVery funny! I enjoyed every word of it. :)
Libras rock!
ReplyDeleteThis gave me a good laugh, Lawyer mama. This was too funny. Funny, now i am craving a martini. . .
Oh, I love your twist on it! Speaking of twists, I'll have a lemon one in my martini!
ReplyDeleteBad Lawyer Mama rocks!
P.S. Love the quotes too! Thanks for doing the meme and the hearty laughs!
okay. i'm embarrassed, but i must ask. WHAT is a dirty martini?
ReplyDeleteand can i have one with Bad Lawyer Mama?
Great blog!! I will be back for more
Chani, Christine, Bon & Mike - Thanks!
ReplyDeleteBon - A dirty martini is one with olive juice in it. You have to really like olives! Dirty martinis at BlogHer?
Now I'm craving a martini too....
Momish - A twist on a twist! I love it. This was a fun one to do.
ReplyDeleteMy brother has a blog as well, but it's really, really weird...
ReplyDeleteI like this meme!
ok, I went over and said hello.
ReplyDeleteI had no idea you liked martinis so much. ever been to the Blue Hippo?
forget ebay - i'm selling mine to the gypsies. or so I tell them once a day.
good thing i didn't point out the ant hill in our back yard on Monday.
CPA Mom - Yes, I have been to the Blue Hippo. For dinner and lunch! (Well, I don't have martinis with lunch.)
ReplyDeleteAnt hill? Na, na, na, na, I'm not listening! (Hands over ears.)
I love your take on this meme. I can relate to a lot of the "bad mama" ones!
ReplyDeleteI was married on July 10. A wonderful month for a wedding. See, even Bad LM didn't have anything bad to say about it. I guess that's because there are always plenty of martinis at weddings.
ReplyDeleteI think I love Bad LM. Cake or pie? Yes please!
ReplyDeleteooh - a regular jekyll and hyde you are, you little scamp! i can see it's going to be lots of fun when we eventually meet ...