
A New Look for Lawyer Mama

Let me know what you think of the new look. I was incredibly tired of seeing the same old Blogger Template and went looking for a new one. I got this one from Zoot.

Oh, and if you're having problems getting to my site or my archives, it's not just you. I was convinced I had royally screwed something up when I changed my template last night, but apparently Blogger is having problems. Again. (At least I hope it's not something I did!)


  1. Looks great! I love the colour scheme. There may be some kind of problem with your feed, though - this post didn't show up on Bloglines. I'll try updating my subscription.

  2. I like the new look.
    I enjoy tweaking my colors... one of these days I'll get brave and find a non-blogger template and try it. ;-)

  3. Ooooooo --- I'm so jealous!

    Now I want a new look, too!

    It's fab!

  4. Love the new look. And I see you Snapped! ;)

  5. very nice! What a fun site it came from too, I'd change mine if I could figure it out! lol

  6. The colour scheme is very you. Looks great! But then you know I have always envied your sense of colour!

  7. Oh I've blog envy now. It is so pretty and lovely and original. Crap. Now I'm filled with loathing for my own cookie cutter blog.


I'm getting really sick of having to moderate comments because of the damn spammers. If you put spam in my comments I will zealously delete you. And then I will sick the CIA on you. (You don't know that I can't do it, do you?)