
A Knock Knock Joke

Hollis: Knock Knock!

Me: Who's there?

Hollis: HOWWIS! (Laugh hysterically)

Repeat 500 times. I swear it gets funnier.

So, I'm back from vacation now. More to come soon!


  1. It's amazing when they think up their own "jokes" and then laugh hysterically each time!

  2. Welcome Back!!!
    and Happy New YEar!!!

    Knock Knock
    Who's there?
    Dwayne Who?
    Dwayne da tub I'm dwowning?

    Said for 8 years in our home...
    It is still looked upon as a 'classic'...
    We gotta get out more...

  3. LOL. I get the weirdest knock knock jokes from my six-year-old. I just look at him, confused, while he laughs his head off....

  4. Celeste: Knock, knock.

    Mom: Who's there?

    Celeste: Celseste.

    Mom: Celeste who?

    Celeste: Celeste time I'm gonna tell ya!

    For five hideously long years.....


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