
Shameless Plug Below

One of my favorite blogs is i obsess, written by a slightly crazy (that's a compliment), thoughtful, reflective, and totally cool Mommy. She's recently opened an online shop, Fadiddle, with some hip, different, and really cute clothes for kids. I just love some of the items for sale and I understand there's loads more to come in the future.

Because you know I have a little shopping problem, I had to buy some Christmas presents. Check out this shirt I had to get for my quiet little man, Big H. And this shirt for my 9 month old, Little H. And to top all the cuteness off, this is the message that popped up with my order confirmation:
Hello [Lawyer Mama], We would like thank you for your order, #1007. Your worth in our eyes far exceeds the amount tendered for this exchange, which happens to have been $56.56. We humbly express our gratitude for your patronage. (And we'll probably hold a candle-lighting ceremony in your honor later this evening, while we toast your good health and long, happy, joyous life. With cake. Lots of cake.) Team Fadiddle.
How adorable is that? Check out the shop if you have a chance!

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I'm getting really sick of having to moderate comments because of the damn spammers. If you put spam in my comments I will zealously delete you. And then I will sick the CIA on you. (You don't know that I can't do it, do you?)